2024 |
Dr. Antje Lieske, Dr. Benjamín Rodríguez, André Gomoll Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize 2024, München |
2024 |
Dr. Antje Lieske, Dr. Benjamín Rodríguez, André Gomoll Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize 2024, München |
2023 |
Prof. Holger Seidlitz Wilhelm-Ostwald-Fellowship, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) |
Prof. Joachim Storsberg 1st price, Hessischer Naturheilkunde-Preis |
2022 |
Jiyong Kim |
2021 |
Mareike Andro Honoring the best 2021, biology lab technicians' apprentice of the year 2021, Fraunhofer |
Dr. Ulrich Wendler and Dr. Marlen Malke in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institutes IMWS and IME 1st place, Hugo-Junkers Prize 2020 "Most innovative applied research projects" for BISYKA rubber |
Guanxing Kuang 1st place, poster award with the poster "The role of photoinitiators in inks for medical 3D printing", Online-Midtermkonferenz von ProMatLeben – Polymere, 18./19.5.2021, Health Capital Berlin Brandenburg |
2020 |
Dr. Hannes Hinneburg 1st price at ideas competition, Fraunhofer NETZWERT forum |
Sany Chea |
Dr. Joachim Storsberg and team 3rd price, SEPAWA Innovation Award 2020, SEPAWA Congress |
2019 |
Hi-Response-Team |
Prof. Johannes Ganster and team, as well as Nölle Kunststofftechnik |
2018 |
Prof. Dr. Horst Weller |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Fink |
2017 |
Matthias Müller |
Hilal Bahececi |
Noverra Mardhatillah Nizardo |
Dr. Viet Hildebrand |
2016 |
Christina Gabriel |
Mine Kaya |
Dr. Joachim Storsberg |
2015 |
Dr. Christian Ippen |
Prof. Dr. Alexander Böker |
Dr. Joachim Storsberg |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Fink |
2014 |
Dr. Patrick Pingel |
2013 |
Dr. Christoph Herfurth |
Dr. André Lehmann |
Dr. Joachim Storsberg |
2012 |
Prof. Dr. habil. Hans-Peter Fink |
Christian Ippen, Tonino Greco (Fraunhofer IAP, Germany), Jiwan Kim, Chul Jong Han (KETI, Korea), and Armin Wedel (Fraunhofer IAP, Germany) |
Dr. Daniel Zehm |
Dr. Daniel Zehm |
Dr. Anna Miasnikova |
Tonino Greco Best Poster Presentation Award, EL 2012 Hong Kong |
2011 |
Dipl.-Chem. Henning Winkler |
2010 |
Dipl.-Ing. Jens Erdmann |
Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Nadine Gruber |
Prof. Dr. Niko Hildebrandt |
Prof. Dr. Jean-Francois Lutz |
Dr. Joachim Storsberg |
2009 |
Prof. Dr. habil. Hans-Peter Fink |
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Pfeifer |
Dr. Katja Skrabania |
Dr. Sylvia Radosta |
Dr. Waltraud Vorwerg |