Self-reinforced single-component composite material on the basis of polylactic acid
Within the BMEL-funded project "AllPLACo" (start in 2021) the Fraunhofer IAP is developing PLA-based filament yarns, -films as well as a PLA-based self-reinforced single-component material. To form complexes is a special PLA property, which is used to generate improved thermal properties compared to conventional PLA products for using PLA-based materials in technical applications. With the help of Trevira GmbH, Tesa SE and TechnoCompound GmbH the developed processes should be scaled up on an industrial scale during the 2.5 years of project time.
Resistance of bioplastics and biocomposites
The increase of the usage of biobased materials and the decrease of the lack of information about them especially in small- and medium-sized companies are the main goals of the FNR-funded project "BeBIO2" (2021 - 2024). In cooperation with the IfW (University of Kassel), the IKT (University of Stuttgart) and Altair Engineering GmbH the resistance of bioplastics and biocomposites is investigated. The examined material data are going to be added in an accessible database. Furthermore biobased material systems are evaluated and developed for specific applications such as high-filled PE-lignin-blends for construction and outdoor applications, PLA-starch-blends for technical office equipment and toys, cellulose reinforced bioplastics for consumer products or natural fiber reinforced PHBV-compounds for electric tool cases.
Odor reduction of thermoplastic lignin blends
Lignin is a by-product of chemical pulp manufacture, one of the most common renewable resources and reinforces polyolefin materials such as PE increasing their mechanical properties. Because of thermal processing, emission of olfactory substances takes place. The project "LigOdor" (2020 - 2023) funded by the FNR focusses on the odor reduction of thermoplastic lignin blends. Evaluated odor reducing steps are the incorporation of different adsorber types and barrier coatings.
Sustainable wood coating based on starch esters
To protect wood against negative environmental influences, the Fraunhofer IAP cooperates with the Fraunhofer IPA in the FNR-funded project "NaHoStar" to research on a new bio-based wood coating. For such protective wood coating, binding agents based on the renewable raw material starch were used. This project lasts 2.5 years (2020 - 2022) with the aim of demonstrating the potential of starch in protective wood coatings. Combining a well-chosen modification of starch, bio-based additives for color and practical application tests, new bio-based material systems are developed for internal and outdoor applications.