For clients

We research on your behalf - Turning your ideas into products

The Fraunhofer IAP offers a broad range of research in polymers. We work on biobased and synthetic polymers that meet the growing demands of our partners.The end products are becoming more durable and stable, more acid and heat resistant, easier to care for, healthier, more environmentally-friendly, more cost-effective ... as well as easier and more energy efficient to manufacture.

We develop innovative and sustainable materials, processes and products that are specifically tailored to the application’s requirements. We also create conditions which ensure that the developed methods not only work on a laboratory scale, but also under production conditions.

The scientific knowledge and practical experience of our staff guarantee fast implementation from concept to market. Take advantage of our expertise which extends throughout the entire range of polymer applications!

Johannes Ganster

Contact Press / Media

Prof. Dr. Johannes Ganster

Division director | Biopolymers

Fraunhofer IAP
Geiselbergstraße 69
14476 Potsdam

Phone +49 331 568-1706

Armin Wedel

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Armin Wedel

Division director | Functional Polymer Systems

Fraunhofer IAP
Geiselbergstraße 69
14476 Potsdam-Golm

Phone +49 331 568-1910

Thorsten Pretsch

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Thorsten Pretsch

Division director | Synthesis and Polymer Technology

Fraunhofer IAP
Geiselbergstraße 69
14476 Potsdam

Phone +49 331 568-1414

Ruben R. Rosencrantz

Contact Press / Media

Prof. Dr. Ruben R. Rosencrantz

Division director | Life Science and Bioprocesses

Fraunhofer IAP
Geiselbergstraße 69
14476 Potsdam

Phone +49 331 568-3203

Michael Bartke

Contact Press / Media

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Bartke

Division director | Pilot Plant Center PAZ

Value Park A 74
06258  Schkopau

Phone +49 3461 2598-120

Fax +49 3461 2598-105

Holger Seidlitz

Contact Press / Media

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Seidlitz

Division director | Polymeric Materials and Composites PYCO

Schmiedestraße 5
15745  Wildau

Phone +49 3375 2152-285

Fax +49 3375 2152-282

Mehtap Özaslan

Contact Press / Media

Prof. Dr. Mehtap Özaslan

Division Director | Center for Applied Nanotechnology CAN

Grindelallee 117
20146 Hamburg