Board of Trustees


The board of trustees advises and supports the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft as well as the institute's director.

Dr. Bernd Wohlmann
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Teijin Carbon Europe GmbH, Wuppertal

Dr. Julia Schüller
Vice Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees
BASF SE, Ludwigshafen am Rhein

Dr. Madeleine Berg
B. Braun Melsungen AG, Melsungen

Dr. Torsten Gottschalk-Gaudig
Wacker Chemie AG, Burghausen

Prof. Dr. Gesine Grande
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus - Senftenberg (BTU)

Dr. Tonino Greco
Sony Europe Limited, Berlin

Dr. Eva Gümbel
Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg

Prof. Dr. Oliver Günther
University of Potsdam

Dr. Claudia Herok
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy of the State of Brandenburg, Potsdam

Dr. Steffen Kammradt
Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (WFBB), Potsdam

Prof. Dr. Christine Lang
Stiftung Biobasierte Zukunft, Essen

Jonathan Pracht 
Alfred Pracht Lichttechnik GmbH | PRACHT Lighting Solutions GmbH, Dautphetal-Buchenau

Thomas Rademacher
Trevira GmbH, Guben

Dr. Felix Reiche
hesco Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH, Luckenwalde

Dr. Andreas Schütte
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR), Gülzow

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Tippe
Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau

Steffen Weber
Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg

Guest member:

Prof. Dr. Norbert Ritter
MIN-Dekanat Universität Hamburg