Research Divisions

Research and development for a sustainable future

We work on pioneering solutions for society and industry in seven research areas. We use a holistic approach that combines extensive know-how in polymer research with expertise in engineering, materials technology, nanotechnology and biotechnology. Together, we develop concepts to make products more sustainable, improve manufacturing processes and advance technologies.



Lignocellulose | Starch Modification / Molecular Properties | Fiber Technology | Material Development and Structure Characterization | Processing Pilot Plant for Biopolymers Schwarzheide



Functional Polymer Systems

Functional Materials and Devices |
Polymers and Electronics | Chromogenic Polymers | Sensors and Actuators



Synthesis- and Polymer Technology

Microcapsulation and Polysaccharide Chemistry | Polymer Synthesis |
Membranes and Functional Films |
Shape-Memory Polymers



Life Science and Bioprocesses

Functional Protein Systems | Biomaterials and Healthcare | Biological Building Blocks and Bioprocess Development


Pilot Plant Center PAZ

Synthesis and Product Development | 
Scale-up and Pilot Testing |
Polymer Processing


Polymeric Materials and Composites PYCO

Resin Formulation and Characterization | Thermosets for Lightweight Applications | Radiation and Rapid Curing Systems | Resin Synthesis and Semi-finished Components


Center for Applied Nanotechnology CAN

Quantum Materials | Nano-medical Applications | Home and Personal Care | Nanoscale Energy and Structure Materials

Research on integration technologies

The High-Performance Center Integration of Biological and Physical-Chemical Material Functions in the Potsdam Science Park combines knowledge and expertise for the functional integration of materials. It organizes the collaboration between university and non-university research and industry in the Federal states of Brandenburg and Berlin. Discover integration technologies for life science, lightweight construction, architecture, optics and energy.


High-Performance Center

integration technologies for:

  • life sciences
  • lightweight construction
  • architecture
  • optics


“Functional materials offer solutions for many types of applications in the areas of health, transportation, energy, communication and the environment.”

Tahani Adnan, Science Management and Transfer

Cooperation for research and development

Networking and exchange are important elements of successful research. The Fraunhofer IAP cooperates with Fraunhofer Institutes from different areas in the strategic research field of bioeconomy, in networks and alliances of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. In Fraunhofer Flagship Projects, we also develop concrete solutions for the benefit of Germany as a business location.

Cluster of Excellence

Flagship Projects


Sustainable Biobased and Biohybrid Materials – SUBI2MA

Biological building blocks and biobased materials at Fraunhofer IAP


Electrocaloric heat pumps – ElKaWe

Electrocaloric materials at Fraunhofer IAP


Shaping the Future of Green Chemistry by Process Intensification and Digitalization – ShaPID

Green Plastics sub-project at Fraunhofer IAP


Fraunhofer Strategic Research Field Bioeconomy

Fraunhofer Group for Materials and Components - MATERIALS