
Organization chart of the Fraunhofer IAP



Director   Prof. Dr. Alexander Böker

Scientific IT

Dr. Volker Eberhardt
Head of Administration Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Peter Jakisch
Head of Strategy and Communication Dr. Jörg Rockenberger

Head Office High-Performance Center

Lisa Kalb, M.Sc.



Division director Prof. Dr. Johannes Ganster

Starch Modification / Molecular Properties

Dr. Jens Buller

Fiber Technology

Dr. André Lehmann

Material Development and Structure Characterization

Dr. Johannes Ganster

Processing Pilot Plant for Biopolymers

Dr. Jens Balko


Functional Polymer Systems

Division director
Dr. Armin Wedel

Functional Materials and Devices

Dr. Armin Wedel

Polymers and Electronics

Dr. Benjamin Heyne

Chromogenic Polymers

Dr. Christian Rabe

Sensors and Actuators

Dr. Michael Wegener


Synthesis and Polymer Technology

Division director
Dr. Thorsten Pretsch

Microencapsulation and Polysaccharide Chemistry

Dr. Bert Volkert

Polymer Synthesis

Dr. Antje Lieske

Membranes and Functional Films

Dr.-Ing. Murat Tutus

Shape-Memory Polymers

Dr. Thorsten Pretsch


Life Science and Bioprocesses

Division director
Prof. Dr. Ruben R. Rosencrantz

(Bio)functionalized Polymers

Prof. Dr. Ruben R. Rosencrantz

Materials in Biological Systems

Prof. Dr. Ruben R. Rosencrantz

Biotechnological Processing

Prof. Dr. Ruben R. Rosencrantz


Pilot Plant Center PAZ

Division director
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Bartke

Synthesis and Product Development

Dr. Ulrich Wendler

Scale-up and Pilot Testing

Dipl.-Ing. Marcus Vater


Polymeric Materials and Composites PYCO

Division director Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Seidlitz

Polymer Development

Prof. Dr. Christian Dreyer

Semi-finished Components

Dr. Mathias Köhler

Simulation and Design

Marcello Ambrosio, M. Sc.

Structural Testing and Analytics

Dr.-Ing. Dustin Nielow

Sustainable Lightweight Technologies

Dipl.-Ing. Felix Kuke


Center for Applied Nanotechnology CAN

Division director Prof. Dr. Mehtap Özaslan

Quantum Materials

Dr. Jan Niehaus

Nanomedical Applications (acting)

Dr. Neus Feliu Torres

Sustainable Polymers / Home and Personal Care

Dr. Vesna Aleksandrovic-Bondzic

Nanoparticle based Theranostic

Dr. Neus Feliu Torres

Physiologically active Nanostructures

Dr. Marcus Janschel

Nanoscale Energy and Structure Materials

Dr. Christoph Gimmler