Bioplastics processing - research and development close to the market
Bio-based plastics and their applications have been the focus of research at the Fraunhofer IAP for many years. The development of polylactides (PLA) with improved performance properties is one focus.
Marketable and new biobased plastics are processed in the Processing Pilot Plant for Biopolymers Schwarzheide at BASF's Schwarzheide site. Research results are tested and implemented in practice using industrial plant technology. A wide range of processing methods established in thermoplastics processing is covered.
With the aid of extensive analysis technology, the properties of plastics can be examined and evaluated in detail. On the one hand, this concerns the determination of raw material properties in order to check which processing method is suitable. On the other hand, the end products are examined with regard to their product properties.
We use the location advantage in the chemical park to transfer the results of the R&D work to the market more quickly.
By integrating the processing pilot plant into local and supraregional networks and collaborative structures, the aim is to support small and medium-sized plastics processing companies in introducing bio-based plastics into their production processes.