Professor Alexander Böker appointed to the executive board of the GDNÄ
For the 133rd assembly of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians (GDNÄ), Professor Alexander Böker, Director of Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP in the Potsdam Science Park, has assumed the position of Managing Director for the business sector. The event, with several hundred participants, will take place under the theme "Science for our lives of tomorrow" from September 12th to 15th, 2024 in Potsdam.
Professor Böker has been appointed as Managing Director for Economics for the 133rd Assembly of the GDNÄ. With his extensive network in the regional economy, he bridges the gap between science and industrial application. The GDNÄ is the oldest German scientific association, founded in 1822. The focus is on dialogue between natural sciences, medicine, and technology, as well as between science and the public. GDNÄ members are researchers from various fields of natural sciences and medicine. However, it is also open to students and interested citizens for membership. The society promotes interdisciplinary exchange through scientific conferences and events. Companies and institutions have the opportunity to actively support the event through their personal participation, contributions to discussions, and financial donations.
"I am honored to support the GDNÄ. It has been a significant player in the German scientific community for decades and drives scientific dialogue significantly. I am particularly impressed by the GDNÄ student program, which brings together young people with a strong interest in STEM subjects and promotes their interaction with the scientific community from an early stage," says Böker.
About Professor Alexander Böker and Fraunhofer IAP
Since 2015, Alexander Böker has been the head of Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP and holds the chair for polymer materials and polymer technologies at the University of Potsdam. From 2008 to 2015, Alexander Böker was the deputy scientific director of the DWI - Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials in Aachen. In 2015, he received a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). He is currently the spokesperson for the Fraunhofer flagship project "Sustainable, simulation-based bio-based and biohybrid materials" and the head of the Fraunhofer Excellence Cluster "Programmable Materials." He is also the co-spokesperson for the Fraunhofer strategic research field "Bioeconomy." Professor Böker will be a member of the GDNÄ Executive Council in 2023 and 2024.
Fraunhofer IAP specializes in the development and application of sustainable (bio)polymers, nanomaterials, and composite materials to meet present and future challenges. Innovative materials, customized processes, and efficient technologies are developed at seven locations along the entire value chain - from idea to industry-ready prototype. The Fraunhofer IAP is a reliable partner for industry-oriented research in the fields of bioeconomy and sustainability, energy transition and mobility, health and quality of life, as well as industry and technology.
About the GDNÄ
The Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians (GDNÄ) is the only scientific society in Germany that is open to membership for all interested individuals across natural sciences, technology, and medicine, including students and laypersons. The GDNÄ fosters scientific exchange, promotes science education with special programs for students, teachers, and students, and engages in dialogue with society through public lectures, discussions, and its website.
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