High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Solid und liquid sample mixtures, soluble in a solvent or solvent mixture
Preferred substances:
- Difficult-to-volatilize
- High polarity and ionic
- Thermolabile and easily decomposable
- With high molecular mass
2 analytical HPLC-plants Series 200, Perkin Elmer Co.
- Quaternary Pump
- Automatic sampler
- Detector: LC/MS/MS, Diode-Array-Detector DAD, UV/VIS-Detector, Refractive Index-Detector RI
- Column oven
- Fraction collector for semipreparative use
- Different HPLC columns for reversed phase and normal phase chromatography
- Separation of sample mixtures
- Qualitative and quantitative detection of single components
- Calibration with reference substances as internal and external standards
- Identification of substances by comparison, UV-Spectra (DAD) or mass spectra (LC/MS/MS)
- Purity and product control, quality assurance
- Process control and process development
- By-product analysis
- Characterization of polymers
- Purification und separation of single components
- Determination of carbohydrates