Prof. Dr. Alexander Böker


Publications in ResearcherID


Antibacterial Nanoplatelets via Crystallization-Driven Self-Assembly of Poly(L‐lactide)-Based Block Copolymers
A. Alsawaf, A.-C. Lehnen, O. Dolynchuk, A. M. Bapolisi, C. Beresowski, A. Böker, I. Bald, M. Hartlieb
Biomacromolecules (2024), in print
doi: 10.1021/acs.biomac.4c00767

Disclosing Topographical and Chemical Patterns in Confined Films of High-Molecular-Weight Block Copolymers under Controlled Solvothermal Annealing
X. Cheng, J. Tempeler, S. Danylyuk, A. Böker, L. Tsarkova
Polymers, 16, 1943 (2024)
doi: 10.3390/polym16131943


Lignin Upconversion by Functionalization and Network Formation
S. Chandna, C. A. Olivares M., E. Baranovskii, G. Engelmann, A. Böker, C. C. Tzschucke, R. Haag
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., e202313945 (2023)
doi: 10.1002/anie.202313945

Fabrication of Patchy Silica Microspheres with Tailor‐Made Patch Functionality using Photo‐Iniferter Reversible‐Addition‐Fragmentation Chain‐Transfer (PI‐RAFT) Polymerization
P. Akarsu; S. Reinicke; A.‐C. Lehnen; M. Bekir; A. Böker; M. Hartlieb; M. Reifarth
Small, Volume 19, Issue 43, 2301761 (2023)
doi: 10.1002/smll.202301761

Versatile Microfluidics Separation of Colloids by Combining External Flow with Light‐Induced Chemical Activity
M. Bekir; M. Sperling; D. Vasquez Muñoz; C. Braksch; A. Böker; N. Lomadze; M. N. Popescu; S. Santer
Advanced Materials, Volume 35, Issue 25, 2300358 (2023)
doi: 10.1002/adma.202300358

How to Characterize the Protein Structure and Polymer Conformation in Protein-Polymer Conjugates – a Perspective
M. Mathieu-Gaedke, A. Böker, U. Glebe
Macromolecular Chemistry and Pysics, Volume224, Issue 1, 2200353 (2023)
doi: 10.1002/macp.202200353

15 Years of Success and Still Improving: Polymers
A. Böker
Polymers 2023, 15(4), 945 (2023)
doi: 10.3390/polym15040945

Hybrid protein-polymer nanoparticles based on P(NVCL-co-DMAEMA) loaded with cisplatin as a potential anti-cancer agent
D. Bragança Vianaa, M. Mathieu-Gaedke, N. Miriceia Leaoa, A. Böker, D. C. Ferreira Soares , U. Glebe, M. L. Tebaldi
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 79, 10399 (2023)
doi: 10.1016/j.jddst.2022.103995  


Nanodeformations of microcapsules: comparing the effects of cross-linking and nanoparticles
U. Doering, D. Grigoriev, T. Riske, A. Fery, A. Böker
RSC Adv., 12, 24140 (2022)
doi: 10.1039/D2RA04330K

Synthesis of nanostructured protein–mineral- microcapsules by sonication
U. Doering, D. Grigoriev, K. Tapio, I. Bald, A. Böker
Soft Matter, 18, 2558 (2022)
doi: 10.1039/D1SM01638E

A Dual pH and Light-Responsive Spiropyrane-Based Surfactant: Investigations on its Switching Behavior and Remote Control over Emulsion Stability
M. Reifarth, M. Bekir, A. M. Bapolisi, E. Titov, F. Nußhardt, J. Nowaczyk, D. Grigoriev, A. Sharma, P. Saalfrank, S. Santer, M. Hartlieb, A. Böker
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., e202114687 (2022)
doi: 10.1002/anie.202114687


Protein Nanopore Membranes Prepared by a Simple Langmuir-Schaefer Approach
M. S. Schwieters, M. Mathieu-Gaedke, M. Westphal, R. Dalpke, M. Dirksen, D. Qi, M. Grull, T. Bick, S. Taßler, D.F. Sauer, M. Bonn, P. Wendler, T. Hellweg, A. Beyer, A. Gölzhäuser, U. Schwaneberg, U. Glebe, A. Böker
Volume17, Issue46, 2102975 (2021)
doi: 10.1002/SMLL.202102975

About the mechanism of ultrasonically induced protein capsule formation
U.Doering, D. Grigoriev, K. Tapio, S. Rosencrantz, R. R. Rosencrantz, I. Bald, A. Böker
RSC Adv.,11, 16152-16157 (2021)
doi: 10.1039/D0RA08100K

Solid-Phase Microcontact Printing for Precise Patterning of Rough Surfaces: Using Polymer-Tethered Elastomeric Stamps for the Transfer of Reactive Silanes
P. Akarsu, R. Grobe, J. Nowaczyk, M. Hartlieb, S. Reinicke, A. Böker, M. Sperling, M. Reifarth
ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2021, 3, 5, 2420–2431 (2021)
doi: 10.1021/ACSAPM.1C00024

Construction of Highly Ordered Glyco-Inside Nano-Assemblies through RAFT Dispersion Polymerization of Galactose-Decorated Monomer
L. Qiu, H. Zhang, T. Bick, J. Martin, P. Wendler, A. Boeker, U. Glebe, C. Xing
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Volume60, Issue20, Pages 11098-11103 (2021)
doi: 10.1002/ANIE.202015692

Organic Dye-Anchor Peptide Conjugates as an Advanced Colouring Agent for Polypropylene Yarns
M. Zimmermann, B. Stomps, C. Schulte-Osseili, D. Grigoriev, D. Ewen, A. Morgan, A. Böker
Textile Research Journal, Vol 91, Issue 1-2 (2021)
doi: 10.1177/0040517520932231


The Next 100 Years of Polymer Science
A. S. Abd-El-Aziz, M. Antonietti, C. Barner-Kowollik, W. H. Binder, A.Böker, C. Boyer, M. R. Buchmeiser, S. Z. D. Cheng, F. D’Agosto, G. Floudas, H. Frey, G. Galli, J. Genzer, L. Hartmann, R. Hoogenboom, T. Ishizone, D. L. Kaplan, M. Leclerc, A. Lendlein, B. Liu, T. E. Long, S. Ludwigs, J.-F. Lutz, K. Matyjaszewski, M. A. R. Meier, K. Müllen, M. Müllner, B. Rieger, T. P. Russell, D. A. Savin, A. D. Schlüter, U. S. Schubert, S. Seiffert, K. Severing, J. B. P. Soares, M. Staffilani, B. S. Sumerlin, Y. Sun, B. Zhong Tang, C. Tang, P. Théato, N. Tirelli, O. K. C. Tsui, M. M. Unterlass, P. Vana, B. Voit, S. Vyazovkin, C. Weder, U. Wiesner, W.-Y. Wong, C. Wu, Y. Yagci, J. Yuan, G. Zhang
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, macp.202000216 (2020)
doi: 10.1002/MACP.202000216

The biotechnological production of lacewing silk: From gene to protein-based material
M. Schmidt, J. Lemke, R. Frenkler, T. Kraxenberger, L. Römer, A. Böker
Engineering Reports, e12137 (2020)
doi: 10.1002/eng2.12137

Self-assembly behavior of oppositely charged inverse bi-patchy micro-colloids
F. Naderi Mehr, D. Grigoriev, R. Heaton, J. Baptiste, A.J. Stace, N. Puretskiy, E. Besley, A. Böker
Small, 2000442. (2020)
doi: 10.1002/smll.202000442

Shaping Metallic Nanolattices: Design by Microcontact Printing from Wrinkled Stamps
X. Wang, M. Sperling, M. Reifarth, N. Puretskiy, A. Böker
Small, 1906721. (2020)
doi: 10.1002/smll.201906721


Biocatalytically Active Microgels by Precipitation Polymerization of N-Isopropyl acrylamide in the Presence of an Enzyme
S. Reinicke, T. Fischer, J. Bramski, J. Pietruszka, A. Böker
RSC Advances, 9, 28377. (2019)
doi: 10.1039/C9RA04000E

A biocatalytically active membrane obtained from immobilization of 2-deoxy-D-ribose-5-phosphate aldolase on a porous support
S. Zhang, J. Bramski, M. Tutus, J. Pietruszka, A. Böker, S. Reinicke
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 37, 34441. (2019)
doi: 10.1021/acsami.9b12029

Temperature-controlled solvent vapor annealing of thin block copolymer Films
X. Cheng, A. Böker, L. Tsarkova
Polymers, 11, 1312. (2019)
doi: 10.3390/polym11081312

Glycopolymers by RAFT-Polymerization as Functional Surfaces for Galectin-3
S. Rosencrantz, J.-S. J. Tang, C. Schulte-Osseili, A. Böker, R. R. Rosencrantz
Macromol. Chem. Phys., 1900293. (2019)
doi: 10.1002/macp.201900293

Tailoring Patches on Particles: A Modified Microcontact Printing Routine Using Polymer-functionalised Stamps
M. Sperling, M. Reifarth, R. Grobe, A. Böker
Chem. Commun., 55, 10104. (2019)
doi: 10.1039/C9CC03903A

Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles in 2- and 3-D: Recent Advances and Future Trends
S.-K. Ghosh, A. Böker
Macromol. Chem. Phys., 1900196. (2019)
doi: 10.1002/macp.201900196

In situ monitoring of membrane protein insertion into block copolymer vesicle membranes and their spreading via potential-assisted approach
T. Mirzaei Garakani, Z. Liu, U. Glebe, J. Gehrmann, J. Lazar, S. Mertens, M. Möller, N. Hamzelui, L. Zhu, U. Schnakenberg, A. Böker, U. Schwaneberg
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 29276. (2019)
doi: 10.1021/acsami.9b09302

Mono-patchy zwitterionic microcolloids as building blocks for pH-controlled self-assembly
F. Naderi Mehr, D. Grigoriev, N. Puretskiy, A. Böker
Soft Matter,15, 2430. (2019)
doi: 10.1039/C8SM02151A

Broadening the scope of sortagging
X. Dai, U. Glebe, A. Böker
RSC Advances, 9, 4700. (2019)
doi: 10.1039/c8ra06705h


Synthesis of Thermo-Responsive Nanocomposites of Superparamagnetic Cobalt Nanoparticles/PNIPAM
L. Tan, K. Siemensmeyer, U. Glebe, B. Liu, A. Böker
J. Colloid Interface Sci., 526, 124 (2018)

Generation of 3-Dimensional Multi-Patches on Silica Particles via Printing with Wrinkled Stamps
D. John, M. Zimmermann, A. Böker
Soft Matter, 14, 3057 (2018)
doi: 10.1039/C8SM00224J

From 2D to 3D patches on multifunctional particles: How Microcontact Printing creates a new Dimension of Functionality
M. Zimmermann, D. John, D. Grigoriev, N. Puretskiy, A. Böker
Soft Matter, 14, 2301 (2018)
doi: 10.1039/c8sm00163d

Sortase-Mediated Ligation of Purely Artificial Building Blocks
X. Dai, D.M. Mate, U. Glebe, T.M. Garakani, A. Körner, U. Schwaneberg, A. Böker
Polymers, 10, 151 (2018)
doi: 10.3390/polym10020151

Physical polyurethane hydrogels via charge shielding through acids or salts
M.-T. Leiendecker, C.J. Licht, J. Borghs, D.J. Mooney, M. Zimmermann, A. Böker
Macromol. Rapid Commun., 39, e1700711 (2018)
doi: 10.1002/marc.201700711  

Combined UV-Vis-absorbance and Reflectance Spectroscopy Study of Dye Transfer Kinetics in Aqueous Mixtures of Surfactants
C.G. Lopez, A. Manova, C. Hoppe, M. Dreja, P. Schmiedel, M. Job, W. Richtering, A. Böker, L. Tsarkova
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 550, 74 (2018)

Biocatalytically Active Thin Films via Self-Assembly of 2-Deoxy-d-ribose-5-phosphate Aldolase–Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Conjugates
S. Zhang, C. Bisterfeld, J. Bramsk, N. Vanparijs, B.G. De Geest, J. Pietruszka, A. Böker, S. Reinicke
Bioconjugate Chem., 29, 104 (2018)
doi: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.7b00645

Magnetic Field-Induced Assembly of Superparamagnetic Cobalt Nanoparticles on Substrates and at Liquid-Air Interface
L. Tan, B. Liu, U. Glebe, A. Böker
Langmuir 34 (46), 13993-14002 (2018)
doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b02673

Enzyme-Polymer Conjugates as Robust Pickering Interfacial Biocatalysts for Efficient Biotransformations and One-Pot Cascade Reactions
Z. Sun, U. Glebe, H. Charan, A. Böker, C. Wu
Angew Chem Int Ed, 57(42):13810-13814 (2018)
doi: 10.1002/anie.201806049

Synthesis of Polystyrene-Coated Superparamagnetic and Ferromagnetic Cobalt Nanoparticles
L. Tan, B. Liu, K. Siemensmeyer, U. Glebe, A. Böker
Polymers 10(10), 1053 (2018)
doi: 10.3390/polym10101053

Characteristics of microcontact printing with polyelectrolyte ink for the precise preparation of patches on silica particles
M. Zimmermann, D. Grigoriev, N. Puretskiy, A. Böker
RSC Adv.,8, 39241-39247 (2018)
doi: 10.1039/c8ra07955b


Single Interdigital Transducer as Surface Acoustic Wave Impedance Sensor
V.H. Nguyen, S. Richert, H. Park, A. Böker, U. Schnakenberg
Procedia Technology, 27, 70 (2017)
doi: 10.1016/j.protcy.2017.04.032/

Fabrication of Thermoresponsive Plasmonic Core-Satellite Nanoassemblies with a Tunable Stoichiometry via Surface-Initiated Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer Polymerization from Silica Nanoparticles
L. Wu, U. Glebe, A. Böker
Adv. Mater. Interf. 4, 1700092 (2017)
doi: 10.1002/admi.201700092

Polymer - Anchor peptides - A green and versatile method for polypropylene functionalization
K. Rübsam, B. Stomps, A. Böker, F. Jakob, U. Schwaneberg
Polymer, 116, 124 (2017)
doi: 10.1016/j.polymer.2017.03.070

Nano-thin walled micro-compartments from transmembrane protein-polymer conjugates
H. Charan, U. Glebe, D. Anand, J. Kinzel, L. Zhu, M. Bocola, T. Mirzaei Garakani, U. Schwaneberg, A. Böker
Soft Matter, 13, 2866 (2017)
doi: 10.1039/C6SM02520J

Dual-Stimuli Sensitive Hybrid Materials-Ferritin-PDMAEMA by Grafting-From Polymerization
M. L. Tebaldi, H. Charan, L. Mavliutova, A. Böker, U. Glebe
Macromol. Chem. Phys. 218, 1600529 (2017)
doi: 10.1002/macp.201600529

Synthesis and Characterization of Methyl Cellulose/Keratin Hydrolysate Composite Membranes
B. M. Liebeck, N. Hidalgo, G. Roth, C. Popescu, A. Böker
Polymers, 9, 91 (2017)

Immobilization of 2-Deoxy-d-ribose-5-phosphate Aldolase in Polymeric Thin Films via the Langmuir–Schaefer Technique
S. Reinicke, H.C. Rees, P. Espeel, N. Vanparijs, C. Bisterfeld, M. Dick, R.R. Rosencrantz, G. Brezesinski, B.G. de Geest, F. E. Du Prez, J. Pietruszka, A. Böker
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9, 8317 (2017)

Controlled Gold Nanorod Reorientation and Hexagonal Order in Micromolded Gold Nanorod@pNIPAM Microgel Chain Arrays
T. Wagner, A. Nedilko, M. Linn, D. N. Chigrin, G. von Plessen, A. Böker
Small, Vol. 13, 1603054 (2017)

Controlling the Bio-inspired Synthesis of Silica
T.M. Garakani, M.J. Richter, A. Böker
J. Colloid Interface Sci., 488C, 322-334 (2017)

Block copolymers in electric fields
C. W. Pester, C. Liedel, M. Ruppel, A. Böker
Prog. Polym. Sci., 64, 182-214 (2017)

Synthesis of Polystyrene and Poly(4-vinylpyridine) Mixed Grafted Silica Nanoparticles via a Combination of ATRP and Cu(I)-Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Click Chemistry
L. Wu, U. Glebe, A. Böker
Macromol. Rapid Commun., 38, 1600475 (2017)

Two-dimensionally ordered AuNP array formation via microcontact printing on lamellar diblock copolymer films
T. Wagner, M. Oded, R. Shenhar, A. Böker
Polym. Adv. Technol., 28, 623 (2017)


Diffusive Motion of Linear Microgel Assemblies in Solution
M.-P. Schürings, O. Nevskyi, K. Eliasch, A.-K.Michel, B. Liu, A. Pich, A. Böker, G. von Plessen, D. Wöll
Polymers, 8, 413 (2016)

Synthesis of Hybrid Silica Nanoparticles Densely Grafted with Thermo and pH Dual-Responsive Brushes via Surface-Initiated ATRP
L. Wu, U. Glebe, A. Böker
Macromolecules, 49, 9586–9596 (2016)

In situ Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Electrostatically Driven Selective Gold Nanoparticle Adsorption on Block Copolymer Lamellae
T. Wagner, J. Lazar, U. Schnakenberg, A. Böker
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8, 27282–27290 (2016)

Reorientation Mechanisms of Block copolymer/ CdSe Quantum Dot Composites under Application of an Electric Field
C. Kathrein, C.W. Pester, M. Ruppel, M. Jung, M. Zimmermann, A. Böker
Soft Matter (2016)
doi: 10.1039/c6sm01073c

Cell Motility: Surface-Grafted Nanogel Arrays Direct Cell Adhesion and Motility
A. Sechi, J.M.G. Freitas, P. Wünnemann, A. Töpel, R.T. Paschoalin, S. Ullmann, R. Schröder, G. Aydin, S. Rütten, A. Böker, M. Zenke, A. Pich
Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 3, 1600455 (2016)

Grafting PNIPAAm from ß-barrel shaped transmembrane nanopores
H. Charan, J. Kinzel, U. Glebe, D. Anand, T. Mirzaei Garakani, L. Zhu, M. Bocola, U. Schwaneberg, A. Böker
Biomaterials, 107, 115 (2016)

Wetting Phenomena on (Gradient) Wrinkle Substrates
S. Hiltl, A. Böker
Langmuir (2016)
doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b02364

Microstructured Hydrogel Templates for the Formation of Conductive Gold Nanowire Arrays
P. Wünnemann, M. Noyong, K. Kreuels, R. Brüx, P. Gordiichuk, P. van Rijn, F. A. Plamper, U. Simon, A. Böker
Macromol. Rapid Commun., 37, 1446 -1452 (2016)

Mechanical Properties of Aligned Nanotopologies for Directing Cellular Behavior
Q. Zhou, P. Wünnemann, P.T. Kühn, J. de Vries, M. Helmin, A. Böker, T. G. van Kooten, P. van Rijn
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 1600275 (2016)

Measuring rotational diffusion of colloidal spheres with confocal microscopy
B. Liu, A. Böker
Soft Matter, Vol. 12, 6033 (2016)
doi: 10.1039/C6SM01082B  

Electric field manipulated nanopatterns in thin films of metalorganic 3-miktoarm star terpolymers
C.C. Kathrein, W. Bai, A. Nunns, J. Gwyther, I. Manners, A. Böker, L. Tsarkova, C. A. Ross
Soft matter, Vol. 12, Issue 21, 4866-4874 (2016)
doi: 10.1039/c6sm00451b

Adsorption and Rheological Behavior of an Amphiphilic Protein at Oil/Water Interfaces
M. J. Richter, A. Schulz, T. Subkowski, A. Böker
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 479, 199-206 (2016)

Lectin binding studies on a glycopolymer brush flow-through biosensor by localized surface plasmon resonance
R.R. Rosencrantz, V. Nguyen, H. Park, A. Böker, U. Schnakenberg, L. Elling
Anal. Bioanal. Chem., Vol. 408, 5633-5640 (2016)
doi: 10.1007/s00216-016-9667-9

Hierarchical Manipulation of Block Copolymer Patterns on 3D Topographic Substrates: Beyond Graphoepitaxy
S. Park, X. Cheng, A. Böker, L.Tsarkova
Advanced Materials, 28, 6900 (2016)

Micelles from self-assembled Double-Hydrophilic PHEMA-Glycopolymer-Diblock Copolymers as multivalent Scaffolds for Lectin Binding
H. Park, S. Walta, R.R. Rosencrantz, L. Elling, W. Richtering, A. Böker
Polym. Chem., 7, 878-886 (2016)


Bio-Synthetic Hybrid Materials and Bionanoparticles: A Biological Chemical Approach Towards Material Science
A. Böker, P. van Rijn
RSC Smart Materials No. 16 (2015)
doi: 10.1039/9781782622109

Microgel Size Modulation by Electrochemical Switching
O. Mergel, P. Wünnemann, U. Simon, A. Böker, F. Plamper
Chem. Mater., 27, p. 7306 (2015)
doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b02740

Combining Graphoepitaxy and Electric Fields towards Uniaxial Alignment of Solvent-Annealed Poly(styrene)-b-poly(dimethylsiloxane) Block Copolymers
C. Kathrein, W. Bai, J. Currivan, G. Liontos, K. Ntetsikas, A. Avgeropoulos, A. Böker, L. Tsarkova, C. Ross
Chem. Mater., 27, p. 6890 (2015)

Reversible Switching of Block Copolymer Nanopatterns by Orthogonal Electric Fields
C. Liedel, C. Lewin, L. A. Tsarkova, A. Böker
Small, Vol. 11, 6058-6064 (2015)

Electric Field-Induced Order-Order Transition from Hexagonally Perforated Lamellae to Lamellae
C. Pester, K. Schmidt, M. Ruppel, H.G. Schoberth, A. Böker
Macromolecules, 48, 6206-6213 (2015)

Birefringence Analysis of the Effect of Electric Fields on the Order-Disorder Transition Temperature of Lamellae Forming Block Copolymers
C. Kathrein, W. K. Kipnusu, F. Kremer, A. Böker
Macromolecules, 48, 3354-3359 (2015)
doi: 10.1021/acs.macromol.5b00512  

Surface-initiated controlled radical polymerizations from silica nanoparticles, gold nanocrystals, and bionanoparticles
L. Wu, U. Glebe, A. Böker
Polymer Chemistry, 6, 5143-5184 (2015)
doi: 10.1039/c5py00525f

Evaluating the Thickness of Multivalent Glycopolymer Brushes for Lectin Binding
J. Lazar, H. Park, R.R. Rosencrantz, A. Böker, L. Elling, U. Schnakenberg
Macromol. Rapid Commun., 36, 1472-1478 (2015)

Ferritin: A Versatile Building Block for Bionanotechnology
G. Jutz, P. van Rijn, B. Santos De Miranda, A. Böker
Chem. Rev., 115 (4), 1653–1701 (2015)

Glycopolymer Brushes for Specific Lectin Binding by Controlled Multivalent Presentation of N-acetyllactosamine Glycan Oligomers
H. Park, R.R. Rosencrantz, L. Elling, A. Böker
Macromol. Rapid Commun., 36, 45-54 (2015)

Virus-SiO2 and Virus-SiO2-Au Hybrid Particles with Tunable Morphology
P. van Rijn, L.S. van Bezouwen, R. Fischer, E.J. Boekema, A. Böker, U. Commandeur
Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 32, 43-47 (2015)


A fluorescent hydrogel-based flow cytometry screening platform for hydrolytic enzymes
C. Pitzler, G. Wirtz, L. Vojcic, S. Hiltl, A. Böker, R. Martinez, U. Schwaneberg
Chemistry & Biology, 21, 1733-1742 (2014)

Selective Packaging of Ferricyanide within Thermoresponsive Microgels
O. Mergel, A.P.H. Gelissen, P. Wünnemann, A. Böker, U. Simon, F.A. Plamper
J. Phys. Chem. C, 118, 26199-26211 (2014)

Morphology-Controlled Kinetics of Solvent Uptake by Block Copolymer Films in Nonselective Solvent Vapors
A. Stenbock-Fermor, A.A. Rudov, R.A. Gumerov, L.A. Tsarkova, A. Böker, M. Möller, I.I. Potemkin
ACS Macro Lett., 3, 803-807 (2014)

Ultra-Thin Self-Assembled Protein-Polymer Membranes: A New Pore Forming Strategy
P. van Rijn, M. Tutus, C. Kathrein, N.C. Mougin, H. Park, C. Hein, M.P. Schürings, A. Böker
Adv. Funct. Mater., 24, 6762-6770 (2014)

Enhancing Ordering Dynamics in Solvent-Annealed Block Copolymer Films by Lithographic Hard Mask Supports
A. Stenbock-Fermor, A.W. Knoll, A. Böker, L. Tsarkova
Macromolecules, 47, 3059–3067 (2014)

Quantification of Encapsulated Bioburden in Spacecraft Polymer Materials by Cultivation-Dependent and Molecular Methods
A. Bauermeister, A. Mahnert, A. Auerbach, A. Böker, N. Flier, C. Weber, A.J. Probst, C. Moissl-Eichinger, K. Haberer
PLoS ONE, 9, e94265 (2014)

Designing Zwitterionic SiO2NH2-Au Particles with Tunable Patchiness using Wrinkles
R. Brüx, S. Hiltl, V. Schröder, C. von Essen, A. Böker
Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 31, 871-878 (2014)


Morphology Control and Surface Functionalization of Protein-Silicon Oxide Hybrid Capsules
H. Wang, T.M. Garakani, T. Krappitz, P. van Rijn, A. Böker
J. Mater. Chem. B, 1, 6427-6433 (2013)

Proteins for Surface Structuring
A. Schulz, S. Hiltl, P. van Rijn, A. Böker in
Biomaterials Surface Science (eds.: A. Taubert, J. F. Mano and J. C. Rodríguez-Cabello), Wiley-VCH, 3-22 (2013)

Challenges and Advances in the Field of Self-Assembled Membranes
P. van Rijn, M. Tutus, C. Kathrein, L. Zhu, M. Wessling, U. Schwaneberg, A. Böker
Chem. Soc. Rev., 42, 6578-6592 (2013)

Orientation-Dependent Order-Disorder Transition of Block Copolymer Lamellae in Electric Fields
H.G. Schoberth, C.W. Pester, M. Ruppel, V.S. Urban, A. Böker
ACS Macro Lett., 2, 469-473 (2013)

Electric Field Induced Selective Disordering in Lamellar Block Copolymers
M. Ruppel, C.W. Pester, K.M. Langner, G.J.A. Sevink, H.G. Schoberth, K. Schmidt, V.S. Urban, J.W. Mays, A. Böker
ACS Nano, 7, 3854-3867 (2013)

Cross-linking Density and Temperature Effects on the Self-Assembly of SiO2-PNIPAAm Core-Shell Particles at Interfaces
K. Özlem Nazli, C.W. Pester, A. Konradi, A. Böker, P. van Rijn
Chem. Eur. J., 19, 5586-5594 (2013)

Recent Developments in In Situ SFM of Block Copolymers: 3D Volume Structures and Dynamics
M. Hund, C. Liedel, L. Tsarkova, A. Böker in
Bharat Bhushan: Nanostructured Soft Matter: Scanning Probe Microscopy in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 3: Springer, 195-233 (2013)

Electric Field Induced Alignment of Block Copolymer / Nanoparticle Blends
C. Liedel, K.A. Schindler, M.J. Pavan, C. Lewin, C.W. Pester, M. Ruppel, V.S. Urban, R. Shenhar, A. Böker
Small, 19, 3276-3281 (2013)

On the Incorporation of Functionalities into Hydroxyapatite Capsules
A. Schulz, B. Varnholt, B.M. Liebeck, M.J. Richter, K. Kreuels, T. Subkowski, A. Böker
J. Mater. Chem. B, 1, 1190-1198 (2013)

Block Copolymer Nanocomposites in Electric Fields: Kinetics of Alignment
C. Liedel, C.W. Pester, M. Ruppel, C. Lewin, M.J. Pavan, V.S. Urban, R. Shenhar, P. Bösecke, A. Böker
ACS Macro Lett., 2, 53-58 (2013)

Self-assembly process of soft Ferritin-PNIPAAm conjugate bionanoparticles at polar-apolar interfaces
P. van Rijn, H. Park, K. Özlem Nazli, N.C. Mougin, A. Böker
Langmuir, 29, 276-284 (2013)

Copolymer microgels by precipitation polymerisation of N-vinylcaprolactam and N-isopropylacrylamides in aqueous medium
A. Balaceanu, V. Mayorga, W. Lin, M.P. Schürings, D.E. Demco, A. Böker, M.A. Winnik, A. Pich
Colloid Polym. Sci., 291, 21-31 (2013)


Hierarchical Structures via Self-Assembling Protein-Polymer Hybrid Building Blocks
P. van Rijn, N.C. Mougin, A. Böker
Polymer, 53, 6045-6052 (2012)

One-step screening process for optimal alignment of (soft) colloidal particles
S. Hiltl, J. Oltmanns, A. Böker
Nanoscale, 4, 7338-7345 (2012)

Exploring the mineralization of hydrophobins at a liquid interface
A. Schulz, M. Fioroni, M.B. Linder, M. Bocola, A. Nessel, T. Subkowski, U. Schwaneberg, A. Böker, F. Rodriguez-Ropero
Soft Matter, 8, 11343-11352 (2012)

Lysozyme-silica hybrid materials: from nanoparticles to capsules and double emulsion mineral capsules
T.M. Garakani, H. Wang, T. Krappitz, B.M. Liebeck, P. van Rijn, A. Böker
Chem. Commun., 48, 10210-10212 (2012)

Artificial Leaves via Reproduction of Hierarchical Structures by a Fast Molding and Curing Process
S. Park, P. van Rijn, A. Böker
Macromol. Rapid Commun., 33, 1300-1303 (2012)

Guiding Block Copolymers into Sequenced Patterns via Inverted Terrace Formation
S. Park, L. Tsarkova, S. Hiltl, S. Roitsch, J. Mayer, A. Böker
Macromolecules, 45, 2494-2501 (2012)

Responsive Macroscopic Materials from Self-Assembled Cross-linked SiO2-PNIPAAm Core-shell structures
C.W. Pester, A. Konradi, B. Varnholt, P. van Rijn, A. Böker
Adv. Funct. Mater., 22, 1724-1731 (2012)

Beyond Orientation: The Impact of Electric Fields on Block Copolymers
C. Liedel, C.W. Pester, M. Ruppel, V.S. Urban, A. Böker
Macromol. Chem. Phys., 213, 259-269 (2012)
doi: 10.1002/macp.201100590

On the Alignment of a Cylindrical Block Copolymer: A Time-Resolved and 3-Dimensional SFM Study
C. Liedel, M. Hund, V. Olszowka, A. Böker
Soft Matter, 8, 995-1002 (2012)


Synthetic inorganic materials by mimicking biomineralization processes using native and non-native protein functions
A. Schulz, H. Wang, P. van Rijn, A. Böker
J. Mater. Chem., 21, 18903-18918 (2011)

Piezoelectric Properties of Non-Polar Block Copolymers
C.W. Pester, M. Ruppel, H.G. Schoberth, K. Schmidt, C. Liedel, P. van Rijn, K.A. Schindler, S. Hiltl, T. Czubak, J. Mays, V.S. Urban, A. Böker
Adv. Mater., 23, 4047-4052 (2011)

Guided Self-Assembly of Microgels: From Particle Arrays to Anisotropic Nanostructures
S. Hiltl, M. P. Schürings, A. Balaceanu, V. Mayorga, C. Liedel, A. Pich, A. Böker
Soft Matter, 7, 8231-8238 (2011)

Ceramic Nanowrinkles via a Facile Replication Process
S. Park, A. Böker
J. Mater. Chem., 21, 11734-11736 (2011)

Bionanoparticles and hybrid materials: tailored structural properties, self-assembly, materials and developments in the field
P. van Rijn, A. Böker
J. Mater. Chem., 21, 16735-16747 (2011)

Pickering emulsion templated soft capsules by self-assembling cross-linkable ferritin-polymer conjugates
P. van Rijn, N.C. Mougin, D. Franke, H. Park, A. Böker
Chem. Commun., 47, 8376-8378 (2011)

Protein-Mineral Hybrid Capsules from Emulsions Stabilized with an Amphiphilic Protein
A. Schulz, B.M. Liebeck, D. John, A. Heiss, T. Subkowski, A. Böker
J. Mater. Chem., 21, 9731-9736 (2011)

Ultra-sound assisted formation of biodegradable double emulsion capsules from Hen Egg-white
P. van Rijn, H. Wang, A. Böker
Soft Matter, 7, 5274-5280 (2011)

Hybrid Capsules via Self-Assembly of Thermo-Responsive and Interfacially Active Bionanoparticle-Polymer Conjugates
N.C. Mougin, P. van Rijn, H. Park, A.H.E. Müller, A. Böker
Adv. Funct. Mater., 21, 2470-2476 (2011)

Bionanoparticles as Functional Macromolecular Building Blocks – A New Class of Nanomaterials
G. Jutz, A. Böker
Polymer, 52, 211-232 (2011)


Stabilization of 3D Network Morphologies in Thin Films via Chemical Modification of ABC Triblock Terpolymers
A. Sperschneider, F.H. Schacher, L. Tsarkova, A. Böker, A.H.E. Müller
Macromolecules, 43, 10213-10215 (2010)

Going beyond the Surface: Revealing Complex Block Copolymer Morphologies with 3D SFM
A. Sperschneider, M. Hund, H.G. Schoberth, F.H. Schacher, L. Tsarkova, A.H.E. Müller, A. Böker
ACS Nano, 4, 5609-5616 (2010)

Lamellar Microstructure and Dynamic Behavior of Diblock Copolymer/Nanoparticle Composites under Electric Fields
L.-T. Yan, H.G. Schoberth, A. Böker
Soft Matter, 6, 5956-5964 (2010)

Ordering and Printing Virus Arrays: A Straightforward Way to Functionalize Surfaces
A. Horn, S. Hiltl, A. Fery, A. Böker
Small, 6, 2122-2125 (2010)

Block Copolymer Nanocontainers
M. Pinna, S. Hiltl, X. Guo, A. Böker, A.V. Zvelindovsky
ACS Nano, 4, 2845-2855 (2010)

Electric Field Induced Gyroid-to-Cylinder Transitions in Concentrated Diblock Copolymer Solutions
K. Schmidt, C.W. Pester, H.G. Schoberth, H. Zettl, K.A. Schindler, A. Böker
Macromolecules, 43, 4268-4274 (2010)

Effects of Electric Fields on Block Copolymer Nanostructures
H.G. Schoberth, V. Olszowka, K. Schmidt, A. Böker
Adv. Polym. Sci., 227, 1-32 (2010)

Bio-Inorganic Microcapsules from Templating Protein- and Bionanoparticle-Stabilized Pickering Emulsions
G. Jutz, A. Böker
J. Mater. Chem., 20, 4299-4304 (2010)

Controlled Wrinkling as a Novel Method for the Fabrication of Patterned Surfaces
A. Schweikart, A. Horn, A. Böker, A. Fery
Adv. Polym. Sci., 227, 75-100 (2010)

Self-Assembly of Janus Nanoparticles in Diblock Copolymers
L.-T. Yan, N. Popp, S.-K. Ghosh, A. Böker
ACS Nano, 4, 913-920 (2010)

Various Aspects of the Interfacial Self-assembly of Nanoparticles
N. Popp, S. Kutuzov, A. Böker
Adv. Polym. Sci., 228, 39-58 (2010)


Nanostructured Wrinkled Surfaces for Templating Bionanoparticles - Controlling and Quantifying the Degree of Order
A. Horn, H.G. Schoberth, S. Hiltl, A. Chiche, Q. Wang, A. Schweikart, A. Fery, A. Böker
Faraday Discussions, 143, 143-150 (2009)

Large-scale Oriented Assembly of Nanoparticles in Diblock Copolymer Templates under Electric Fields
L.-T. Yan, H.G. Schoberth, A. Böker
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 210, 1003-1010 (2009)

Orienting and Tuning Block Copolymer Nanostructures with Electric Fields
A. Böker, K. Schmidt in
U. Steiner, Y. Tsori: Series in Soft Condensed Matter (Vol. 2), Polymers, liquids and colloids in electric fields, World Scientific, 215-244 (2009)

Electric field alignment of a block copolymer nanopattern: direct observation of the microscopic mechanism
V. Olszowka, M. Hund, V. Kuntermann, S. Scherdel, L. Tsarkova, A. Böker
ACS Nano, 3, 1091-1096 (2009)
doi: 10.1021/nn900081u

Shifting the Order-Disorder Transition Temperature of Block Copolymer Systems with Electric Fields
H.G. Schoberth, K. Schmidt, K. Schindler, A. Böker
Macromolecules, 42, 3433-3436 (2009)
doi: 10.1021/ma900166w

Controlling the Fast ATRP of N-Isopropylacrylamide in Water
P. Millard, N.C. Mougin, A. Böker, A.H.E. Müller in
K. Matyjaszewski, Ed.: Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Progress in ATRP, ACS Symp. Ser., 1023, 127-139 (2009)
doi: 10.1021/bk-2009-1023.ch009

Interfacial Assembly of Turnip Yellow Mosaic Virus Nanoparticles
G. Kaur, J. He, J. Xu, S.V. Pingali, G. Jutz, A. Böker, Z. Niu, T. Li, D. Rawlinson, T. Emrick, B. Lee, P. Thiyagarajan, T.P. Russell, Q. Wang
Langmuir, 25, 5168-5176 (2009)
doi: 10.1021/la900167s

Self-assembly of Tobacco Mosaic Virus at Oil/Water Interfaces
J. He, Z. Niu, R. Tangirala, J.-Y. Wang, X. Wei, G. Kaur, Q. Wang, G. Jutz, A. Böker, B. Lee, S.V. Pingali, P. Thiyagarajan, T. Emrick, T.P. Russell
Langmuir, 25, 4979-4987 (2009)
doi: 10.1021/la803533n

Influence of Counterion Valency on the Conformational Behavior of Cylindrical Polyelectrolyte Brushes
L.-T. Yan, Y. Xu, M. Ballauff, A.H.E. Müller, A. Böker
J. Phys. Chem. B, 113, 5104-5110 (2009)
doi: 10.1021/jp810648z

3-Dimensional Control over Lamella Orientation and Order in Thick Block Copolymer Films
V. Olszowka, L. Tsarkova, A. Böker
Soft Matter, 5, 812-819 (2009)
doi: 10.1039/b814365j


A lithography-free pathway for chemical microstructuring of macromolecules from aqueous solution based on wrinkling
M. Pretzl, A. Schweikart, C. Hanske, A. Chiche, U. Zettl, A. Horn, A. Böker, A. Fery
Langmuir, 24, 12748-12753 (2008)

Separating Membrane and Surface Tension Contributions in Pickering Droplet Deformation
J.K. Ferri, P. Carl, N. Gorevski, T.P. Russell, Q. Wang, A. Böker, A. Fery
Soft Matter, 4, 2259-2266 (2008)

Control of Orientational Order in Block Copolymer Thin Films by Electric Fields - A Combinatorial Approach
V. Olszowka, V. Kuntermann, A. Böker
Macromolecules, 41, 5515-5518 (2008)

Tuning Block Copolymer Morphologies with Electric Fields - From Chain Stretching to Order-Order-Transitions
K. Schmidt, H.G. Schoberth, A. Böker
Macromol. Rapid Commun., 29, F86 (2008)

Reversible Tuning of a Block Copolymer Nanostructure via Electric Fields
K. Schmidt, H.G. Schoberth, M. Ruppel, H. Zettl, H. Hänsel, T.M. Weiss, V. Urban, G. Krausch, A. Böker
Nature Materials, 7, 142-145 (2008)


On the Kinetics of Nanoparticle Self-Assembly at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces
S. Kutuzov, J. He, R. Tangirala, T. Emrick, T.P. Russell, A. Böker
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 9, 6351-6358 (2007)

Self-assembly of Nanoparticles at Interfaces
A. Böker, J. He, T. Emrick, T.P. Russell
Soft Matter, 3, 1231-1248 (2007)

Control of Block Copolymer Microdomain Orientation from Solution using Electric Fields - Governing Parameters and Mechanisms
A. Böker in
A. V. Zvelindovsky: Nanostructured Soft Matter: Experiment, Theory, Simulation and Perspectives, Springer, 199-230 (2007)

Self-assembly of Nanoparticle-Copolymer Mixtures: A Kinetic Point of View
J. He, R. Tangirala, T. Emrick, T.P. Russell, A. Böker, X. Li, J. Wang
Advanced Materials, 19, 381-385 (2007)

Scaling Behavior of the Reorientation Kinetics of Block Copolymers exposed to Electric Fields
K. Schmidt, H.G. Schoberth, F. Schubert, H. Hänsel, F. Fischer, T.M. Weiss, G. Sevink, A.V. Zvelindovsky, A. Böker, G. Krausch
Soft Matter, 3, 448-453 (2007)


Large Scale Alignment of a Lamellar Block Copolymer Thin Film via Electric Fields: A time-resolved SFM Study
V. Olszowka, M. Hund, V. Kuntermann, S. Scherdel, L. Tsarkova, A. Böker, G. Krausch
Soft Matter, 2, 1089-1094 (2006)

Janus Particles at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces
N. Glaser, D. Adams, A. Böker, G. Krausch
Langmuir, 22, 5227-5229 (2006)

The Influence of Incompatibility and Dielectric Contrast on the Electric Field Induced Orientation of Lamellar Block Copolymers
A. Böker, K. Schmidt, A. Knoll, H. Zettl, H. Hänsel, V. Urban, V. Abetz, G. Krausch
Polymer, 47, 849-857 (2006)


Influence of Initial Order on the Microscopic Mechanism of Electric Field Induced Alignment of Block Copolymer Microdomains
K. Schmidt, A. Böker, H. Zettl, F. Schubert, H. Hänsel, F. Fischer, T.M. Weiss, V. Abetz, A.V. Zvelindovsky, G. Sevink, G. Krausch
Langmuir, 21, 11974-11980 (2005)

Crosslinked Capsules of Quantum Dots by Interfacial Assembly and Ligand Crosslinking
H. Skaff, Y. Lin, R. Tangirala, K. Breitenkamp, A. Böker, T.P. Russell, T. Emrick
Advanced Materials, 17, 2082-2086 (2005)

Self-Assembly and Cross-Linking of Bionanoparticles at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces
J.T. Russell, Y. Lin, A. Böker, L. Su, P. Carl, H. Zettl, J. He, K. Sill, R. Tangirala, T. Emrick, K. Littrell, P. Thiyagarajan, D. Cookson, A. Fery, Q. Wang, T.P. Russell
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 44, 2420-2426 (2005)

Self-directed Assembly of Nanoparticle/Copolymer Mixtures
Y. Lin, A. Böker, J. He, K. Sill, H. Xiang, C. Abetz, X. Li, J. Wang, T. Emrick, S. Long, Q. Wang, A. Balazs, T.P. Russell
Nature, 434, 55-59 (2005)

Nanoparticles at Fluid Interfaces: Assembly, Scattering and Ultrathin Membranes
A. Böker, Y. Lin, H. Zettl, H. Skaff, D. Cookson, A.D. Dinsmore, Q. Wang, T. Emrick, T.P. Russell
Macromol. Rapid Commun., 26, F16 (2005)

Micellar Aggregates of Amylose-block-Polystyrene Rod-Coil Block Copolymers in Water and THF
K. Loos, A. Böker, H. Zettl, M. Zhang, A.H.E. Müller, G. Krausch
Macromolecules, 38, 873-879 (2005)

Nanoparticle Assembly at Fluid Interfaces: Structure and Dynamics
Y. Lin, A. Böker, H. Skaff, D. Cookson, A.D. Dinsmore, T. Emrick, T.P. Russell
Langmuir, 21, 191-194 (2005)


Hierarchical Nanoparticle Assemblies Formed by Decorating Breath Figures
A. Böker, Y. Lin, K. Chiapperini, R. Horowitz, M. Thompson, V. Carreon, T. Xu, C. Abetz, H. Skaff, A.D. Dinsmore, T. Emrick, T.P. Russell
Nature Materials, 3, 302-306 (2004)

Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) of Single Dye-Labeled Polymers in Organic Solvents
H. Zettl, W. Häfner, A. Böker, H. Schmalz, M. Lanzendörfer, A.H.E. Müller, G. Krausch
Macromolecules, 37, 1917-1920 (2004)

Liquid-liquid interfacial nanoparticle assemblies
T. Emrick, T.P. Russell, A.D. Dinsmore, H. Skaff, Y. Lin, A. Böker
PCT Int. Appl., WO 2004063705 (2004)


Reply to Comment on: Microscopic Mechanisms of Electric-Field-Induced Alignment of Block Copolymer Microdomains
A. Böker, H. Elbs, H. Hänsel, A. Knoll, S. Ludwigs, H. Zettl, A.V. Zvelindovsky, G. Sevink, V. Urban, V. Abetz, A.H.E. Müller, G. Krausch
Phys. Rev. Lett., 90, 049602 (2003)

Electric Field Induced Alignment of Concentrated Block Copolymer Solutions
A. Böker, H. Elbs, H. Hänsel, A. Knoll, S. Ludwigs, H. Zettl, A.V. Zvelindovsky, G. Sevink, V. Urban, V. Abetz, A.H.E. Müller, G. Krausch
Macromolecules, 36, 8078-8087 (2003)

Amphiphilic Janus Micelles with Polystyrene and Poly(methacrylic acid) Hemispheres
R. Erhardt, M. Zhang, A. Böker, H. Zettl, C. Abetz, P. Frederik, G. Krausch, V. Abetz, A.H.E. Müller
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125, 3260-3267 (2003)

Ultrathin Cross-Linked Nanoparticle Membranes
Y. Lin, H. Skaff, A. Böker, T. Emrick, A.D. Dinsmore, T.P. Russell
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125, 12690-12691 (2003)

Phase behavior of linear polystyrene-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine)-block-poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) triblock copolymers
S. Ludwigs, A. Böker, V. Abetz, A.H.E. Müller, G. Krausch
Polymer, 44, 6815-6823 (2003)

Self-Assembly of Functional Nanostructures from ABC Triblock Copolymers
S. Ludwigs, A. Böker, A. Voronov, N. Rehse, R. Magerle, G. Krausch
Nature Materials, 2, 744-747 (2003)


Microscopic Mechanisms of Electric Field Induced Alignment of Block Copolymer Microdomains
A. Böker, H. Elbs, H. Hänsel, A. Knoll, S. Ludwigs, H. Zettl, V. Urban, V. Abetz, A.H.E. Müller, G. Krausch
Phys. Rev. Lett., 89, 135502 (2002)

Selective Alteration of Polymer Surfaces by Thermal Cleavage of Fluorinated Side Chains
A. Böker, T. Herweg, K. Reihs
Macromolecules, 35, 4929-4937 (2002)

Large Scale Domain Alignment of a Block Copolymer from Solution using Electric Fields
A. Böker, A. Knoll, H. Elbs, V. Abetz, A.H.E. Müller, G. Krausch
Macromolecules, 35, 1319-1325 (2002)


Nanoscopic Surface Patterns From Functional ABC Triblock Copolymers
A. Böker, A.H.E. Müller, G. Krausch
Macromolecules, 34, 7477-7488 (2001)

Cylindrical Core-Shell Brushes via a 'Grafting From' Process Using ATRP
G. Cheng, A. Böker, M. Zhang, G. Krausch, A.H.E. Müller
Macromolecules, 34, 6883-6888 (2001)

Janus Micelles
R. Erhardt, A. Böker, H. Zettl, H. Kaya, W. Pyckhout-Hintzen, G. Krausch, V. Abetz, A.H.E. Müller
Macromolecules, 34, 1069-1075 (2001)

Surface-grafted Hyperbranched Polymer Films via Self-condensing Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization from Silicon Surfaces
H. Mori, A. Böker, G. Krausch, A.H.E. Müller
Macromolecules, 34, 6871-6882 (2001)

Synthesis and Properties of ABA and ABC Triblock Copolymers with Glassy (A), Elastomeric (B), and Crystalline (C) Blocks
H. Schmalz, A. Böker, R. Lange, G. Krausch, V. Abetz
Macromolecules, 34, 8720-8729 (2001)


Selectively Thermally Cleavable Fluorinated Side Chain Block Copolymers: Surface Chemistry and Surface Properties
A. Böker, K. Reihs, J. Wang, R. Stadler, C.K. Ober
Macromolecules, 33, 1310-1320 (2000)